Silver Sedans V - Martian


Silver Sedans is a graphic novel about people who try to escape being ordinary. Lifelines of 3 people are being intertwined into very complex decisions and consequences people make.

Chapter I - Bargelife. Mark and Marika meet in the bar and talk about escapism and why it doesn’t work. Should their lonely souls be together?

Chapter II - Kapilyapsin - Marika is realizing her non-ordinary life.

Chapter III - Mark. Mark’s childhood dream was to play cymbals in the orchestra.

Chapter IV - Tram Driver. Years later Mark becomes a tram driver.

Chapter V - Martian. Chloe meets Mark in between, but she has a dream to fly to Mars. What are the decisions people make in the dilemma Love vs. Dream? Also, what Mark ‘s occupation anyway?

Chapter VI - Runner. Last day of Marika. Who made it her last one?

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